Monday, July 20, 2009

Summary of 23 things

In rereading some of my earlier posts I have found some discrepancies. The most obvious to me is RSS. I could see no use for my using this tool, but I use it almost daily now. The bad part is once again time. I have been spending more time on the computer with these assignments and being as how this is week 12 I should be getting my time back. But no I will probably continue to waste (use) my Saturday mornings and my Sundays and my Mondays oh any way that's what I got out of this program (personally).

Actually I have enjoyed learning about different webs sites, social networking, blogging and talking to people less knowledgeable than I. They think I know something, I just have to be careful not to talk to people who actually use these “things”. I have also been able to describe some web sites that I thought others would find fun or useful.

On the whole it really has been a positive experience. Thank you for offering this program and for following through to the end.

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo for RSS! It's really changed my whole 'internet reading' and research/professional reading life!

    So glad it was a good experience for you! Would you be interested in serving as a 'mentor' when we do another 23Things project this fall/winter? If so, email me:
